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What If Every Day Was Like New Years Day
July 6, 2015

There is something about New Year’s Day that brings us a sense of hope. It’s a chance for a fresh start and a healthy beginning. We begin to believe in ourselves again and set out with new resolutions, goals, and dreams.

I read recently that 90% of New Year’s resolutions are never fulfilled. That truly broke my heart. That’s a lot of hopes and dreams that never get realized. But why?

It might be because we just give up. We forget that the Christian life is not a steady upward climb. It’s a mixture of mountains and valleys, of deaths and resurrections.

That’s why we need New Year’s Day more often than once a year.

If every day is like New Year’s Day, we can give ourselves the same grace that God gives us. We can allow ourselves a new beginning every morning, choosing to believe in ourselves again.

This year, I am yearning for God to be more a part of every facet of my life. I have always known that I alone can’t change the condition of my heart. However, year after year I set new goals, dreams, and resolutions to change. I find myself changing small things, but it is never sustained.

That’s why this year I’m bringing everything to God daily. I’m asking God to open my eyes to grace, that I might look at each day like it’s New Year’s all over again. Every day brings a new start, a new hope, and a chance to run after the deepest longings of our lives. I have come to understand that doing any kind of change on my own is impossible. My hope this year is that I will sincerely seek His face with a yearning to know Him. I want to truly step into the possibility, promise, and peace of knowing that He is king over my life. I believe on the other side is the freedom to make those hopes and dreams a reality in my life.

My hope is that we will all begin to look at each morning with the same hope of New Year’s Day, partnering with God to make some real change, not just failed resolutions.

This was a blog I did for Youth Specialties . Here is the direct link to the blog on their site. YS Blog.

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