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Passion or Stupidity
October 11, 2012

I’ve always been the kind of person that has jumped into things head first. Call it passion or stupidity it’s just my wiring.  I think twenty years ago I did this with youth ministry.  I jumped all in and when the dust settled I liked what I saw.  In fact to the point that I never saw myself doing anything other than that.  Now along the way there were the doomsayers that told me to grow up and get a real job! Early on I allowed some of those ideas to attach themselves to my heart.  Yet I continued on with what I had felt God calling me too.  For so many, youth ministry was only the stepping stone to other areas of ministry or careers.  I’ve never looked at it like this.  To me it’s always been the stepping stones to students lives.  Oh I tried to get a “normal” job!  It just about destroyed all I was meant to be.  I find myself in new seasons of ministry.  I would say for the first time in a very long time my heart has nothing but peace and hope for the future.  I find myself working directly with students and youth workers.  I think I found my “normal” job! Yet I don’t ever look at this as a job and how I pay the bills.  I look at this as something that is alive and breathing.  This isn’t about what I do but what I live.  My purpose in this is to never advance me but to come along side of people and love on them.  To help them know that their versions of the doomsayers will always be there but to chase fast after the things that make their hearts burn!  Many spend a lifetime searching what they were meant to do.  I think when we listen closely to the still moments of our lives we will find those things.  It’s the fear of taking a risk.  The fear of chasing our dreams.  I say make risk your friend.  I look at the life of Jesus.  Wow nothing safe in anything He did.  I want my life to reflect that in all I do. More risk equals more peace deep inside. 


On Friday, October 12, 2012, Shauna said


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